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We create a lot of our artwork for fabric designs in house, but we also purchase a lot from outside studios. It is so positive to work with outside studios for many reasons:

        - To get complicated artwork that could take a lot of time to produce in house

        - To see others thoughts trend wise in pattern and color

        - To build a collection of fabrics more quickly

        - To fill holes in your line or special customer requests

The different studios have different strengths. They vary in their focus including: traditional, contemporary, conversational, bohemian, transitional… the list goes on. We all have our personal favorites. It really gets your creative juices going to shop for artwork… all that pattern and color!!!!

On a personal note, I’ve been told often “you’re a good looker”. Don’t worry I’m not bragging about my appearance, but my ability to look quickly and know what I like a need from a collection!!

So we all are looking forward to our next visit from an art studio!

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